Talking Points Of The Breed:
- Origin: Sweden
- Broodiness: Moderate
- Meat production: Low
- Cold tolerance: Moderate ~ draft free coop with proper ventilation to prevent frostbite will be needed
- Heat tolerance: Moderate ~ will need shade provided.
- Predator evasion: Exceptional ~ Roosters will gallantly protect their flock but are docile with their human counterparts
- Foraging ability: Exceptional ~ If given the opportunity to forge in the spring though fall, they will seek out most of their food sources
- Noise level: Low-Moderate
- Hen Size: 3-4 Pounds
- Rooster Size: 5-6 Pounds
- Egg color: Mint green with the occasional light brown speckles | possibility of a bloom that will turn speckles to white
- Egg size: Medium
- Age of lay: 5-6 months
- Egg laying ability: Great ~ Will lay through winter if given proper nutrition and space to roam.
- Eggs/year: 150-200
- Temperment: These birds will naturally be friendly and docile with the roosters being alert and protective but respecting their humans. Additionally we breed only birds that are the friendliest of the flock.
I hope you continue to learn more about this breed by visiting the Silverudd’s Blue Association at You can also join their Facebook group at
The Silverudd Blue is an impressive bird by all standards. For a long time the bird went by the name Blue Isbar, confusing the Silverudds Blue with another green-laying breed that their creator, Martin Silverudd, produced. He died not being able to name them so in 2016 a vote was held to give the chicken breed a name, Silverudd’s Blue. They were first seen in the United states in 2011 when Greenfire Farms imported them and these birds (and their descendants) from that original flock are known as “First Imports.” The birds (and their descendants) from the 2013/2014 imported hatching eggs are known as “Second Imports.” While the second imports added much needed diversity to the American Silverudd’s Blue gene pool, these birds didn’t have the desired qualities of a Silverudd as seen the first imports. For this reason I sought out breeders who had a flock made of first import Silverrudd’s Blues. have the desired qualities of a Silverudd as seen the first imports. While my preferred method of breeding is to maintain a closed flock, I have found that the Silverudds have such limited genetics, they thrive with many different lines. So while this has brought a number of its own challenges (I am working to improve the yellow skin which is a recessive trait, recessive white has popped up in a handful of pairings) it has improved hatch-ability and overall vigor/longevity in later life. The first Silverudds I owned came from Craigslist in 2020. These little hens were just the beginning of my colored egg obsession and I had no idea I would breed them someday but they started off my love for Silverudds. The woman I bought them from had hatched eggs from Wabi Sabi in 2019. In 2021 I began our official breeding flock with more additions from Sherolyn Craig of Windy Whiskers and Hope Song of Wabi Sabi Acres both located in Texas. In 2022 we also purchased a homozygous rooster from Mika Lindbergh at Tiny Dino Farm to improve our genetics. Unfortunately, in 2024 we lost a few of our boys so to improve our genetics again, we have added a rooster from Kadi over at Olympic Ridge and two roosters from Tim Glover who were hatched out from via our friends over at Mountain to Meadow chicks here in Montana. All have been tested Homozygous. While we maintain heterozygous pens to continue the genetic diversity of our flock, these are used for our purposes to be tested every year for the blue egg gene and evaluate for breeding potential. Meaning all day old chicks and hatching eggs are sold from our three homozygous for the blue egg gene (O/O) pens. My preferred method of breeding the Silverudds is to single pair mate. I am a bit type A like that. I want to know exactly who dad and mom are and I grow out several boys or girls depending on what I am looking for from each pairing to evaluate
Their plumage genetics are Blue meaning the chicks will be black, blue or splash (BBS) in plumage color. To breed a BBS chicken means that within a single hatch there is a chance for any combination of all three colors. While I wish I could honor your specific plumage color requests of a blue, black or splash chick, I am a small-scale breeder and do not have the numbers needed to fulfill specific BBS plumage color requests. For this reason you will receive a mix of BBS colors. Thank you for your understanding.
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